It’s been a cold and busy couple of hours. Fourth ambulance on scene
at an RTC on an exposed stretch of country road out of town. A proper working
job, as they say, a difficult rescue alongside police and fire brigade. The
kind of job where you have to think big and small at the same time: the best
place for the ambulance, the best place for the equipment dump, who gets to
stand in the back once the roof is off, who’s best placed to hold the patient’s
head whilst the rest of the team slide the patient a little further up the
spinal board, everything as calmly co-ordinated as possible, commands and
requests, shouts and gestures, repeated reviews, checks, reassurances, the
whole thing as smooth as possible amongst the general chaos of diesel engines,
flashing blues and bright halogen lights, lines and hoses and hydraulic jacks,
canvas and blocks and spilled fuel and yellow jackets, whilst the whole time a
freezing wind races through it all, from the dark fields behind us to the
darker hills beyond. Extemporary crews are made, kit borrowed, open,
dismantled, spread about, everything to be collected again and sorted out back at the hospital when
the job is done.
Our patient handed over and booked in, the ambulance restored, I go
to the nurse’s rec room to make a tray of tea and coffee for everyone. I figure
they can help themselves if I put the tray on the counter outside reception. I’ve
taken my two jackets off and hung them in the ambulance; it’s left me feeling light
and easy, a margin of esprit de corps around me you could probably see as a
pleasant shimmer if I stood against something dark.
It’s cosy in the rec room – so
cosy I’m tempted to curl up on one of those soft blue chairs and fall asleep.
I say hello to the two nurses having their lunch at the table and then set about
making the drinks. I find a tray and put out thirteen polystyrene cups, six for
tea, six for coffee, one for sugar. Once everything’s made up I get ready to
go, but then hesitate. I’ve got two spoons on the tray, one that I’d already
used for dunking the tea bags and one extra. But it strikes me there’s always a
shortage of spoons in here. Maybe I only need one. I put the spare one back on
the counter and pick up the tray again.
‘I can’t believe you’re actually going to do that,’ says Fiona, one
of the nurses.
‘I’ve been watching you all this time thinking: surely he’s not going to do it as well.’
‘What d’you mean?’
She gets up, comes across to the counter, and picks up the spoon.
‘What’s this?’ she says.
‘I suppose you think the kitchen fairy’s going to take care of that
for you.’
‘Oh – no.’
‘I spend half my life following people around tidying up and I don’t
see why I should.’
‘Why can’t you just clean up after yourself? If you use it, wash it
up, put it away. It’s not difficult. I don’t see why I should have to be the
one to tidy up everyone else’s mess.’
‘No. Sorry, Fiona. I promise I’ll try harder next time.’
She waves the spoon at me. For a minute I think she’s going to rap
me on the nose.
‘See that you do!’
she says.
Quite right too.
It's not as if you've got much to do on your shift Spence.
Lazy sod.
For Wilful & Felonious Use of Cutlery - Five years in stir badoom tish I'm here till Thursday...
In our office kitchen, there is The Teaspoon. The Teaspoon is attached to the sink by way of a long bit of chain. Apparently its been there 14 years, and I suspect will outlast the building, and all of us workers...! Because its the only one, its always kept very clean, as everyone has a vested interest.
In every generation, there is a chosen one..... (You can tell I've been watching Buffy).
A chained spoon, eh? Fourteen years old?
Where do you work, a castle?
Not a castle sadly, a rambling 1970's local authority rabbit warren of a building. I share the sink (and The Teaspoon) with the environmental health team, which might be another reason its so clean....although we do have to suffer their confiscated ahem, goods, in the same area - rancid meat or dodgy-gave-someone-food-poisoning-takeaway anyone?
So ... it's clean, but the environmental health team store confiscated foodstuffs there?
I'll take a raincheck on that chicken mayo...
Although having said that, it still sounds healthier than the kitchen at our place. Honestly, there are lifeforms evolving in the fridge compartments .... once they get intelligence .... cities will fall.
Actually, I will have that chicken mayo. What the hell.
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