Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finally it's out there...

I've finally published the ebook of the blog. The title is: Frank's Last Call and it's available now!

You can buy it from Amazon and from Smashwords. Within the next week or so, it should also be available from Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Sony Reader Store, Aldiko and Diesel ebook store. But the Smashwords site has .mobi, Epub, PDF, HTML and PDB formats all available for download now. And you can download a sample 20% of the book for free!

If you have any questions, please do drop me a line. I look forward to hearing what you think.


jacksofbuxton said...

Bought it Spence.Looking forwards to reading it,once I've finished Smiley's People.I'll post a review for you as well.

I take cash.

niki hb said...

Hi Spence

This book is ace, I've done nothing all day apart from read it!

niki hb said...

This book is ace.... well worth the £1.96. If you buy only one book today, make it this one

Spence Kennedy said...

Jacks - I don't think it'll stand up all that well to Smiley's People. Shame you weren't reading 50 Shades of Whatsit. But I want you to be honest with your review, though. 'Engrossing' 'Insightful' 'A sheer delight from start to finish...' that kind of thing, I don't mind. As far as the cash goes, maybe we could barter. Would a potted plant do?

Niki - Thanks so much! That's really kind of you. (Potted plant...?)

Bob Bannister @ iManage said...

Woop whoop it's on my iPad ready for hols.

Wayne Conrad said...

Woohoo! It's going to be mighty hard to finish my workday without going home early.

Unknown said...

I just tried to purchase the book through Amazon but apparently I'm inellgible to purchase it, being a lousy rotten American and all. Let me know if it moves into our trashy territory so I might buy it.

Keith said...

Excellent! That's my reading on the commute to work sorted for the time being. Looking forward to reading it!

Spence Kennedy said...

Cheers Bob! Hope you have a great holiday :)

Thanks Wayne - Go home early anyway. I'll write you a note...

Hi Nari - Sorry about the difficulty getting it in the US. We only just uploaded it to Amazon, but it should theoretically be available in all territories. All I can think is that maybe it takes a little while to go through everywhere (?!!?) If you still can't work it tomorrow, you can always download a copy from Smashwords (the .mobi version) and then email it to your Kindle account (Smashwords give some guidance about that). Keep me posted!

Thanks v much Keith - Sympathy about the commute - hope the book helps a little!

Cassandra said...

Congrats! Maybe with the money you make, you can quit the front line and go into mental health-- you've gotten enough experience, and you see the need! (Just a joke... both professions induce mega burnout, from what I've heard and seen...)

Seriously though, congrats. It's always exciting to become someone who makes money from their craft.

atillathehunny said...

I've just downloaded it and can't wait to read it. How I'll get any work done god only knows!

Spence Kennedy said...

Invictus - Funnily enough I have been thinking about taking a post-grad in counselling and going into psychotherapy, but so far the cost of it has stopped me. I don't suppose the writing will ever bring in much, so it's def not a case of giving up the day job. But even if it's £20 it'll be the first £20 I ever earned from writing, so that's extremely gratifying!

Atilla - Thx v much for the download. Hope you like it! :)

chaz said...

Delighted to hear about it, well done. Your writing deserves a wider audience, and I hope this is just a first step.

Had the same problem that Amazon wouldn't supply to New Zealand, so purchased from Smashwords instead. Amazon's loss, I guess.

Spence Kennedy said...

Thanks, Chaz. Sorry about the download problem. It's really frustrating, because I've had another look at the account and all the boxes are ticked, so I've no idea why it won't work in NZ and the US. Maybe it's just a time-thing, and it'll work in a few days. I think you can still review on Amazon though (if you want!) Thanks again for your encouragement. V much appreciated. :)

Mladen said...

So happy to hear that!

Spence Kennedy said...

Thx v much, Mladen. Fingers crossed you like it!

Wayne Conrad said...

For those having trouble with Amazon: I had no trouble downloading it from Smashwords. DRM free, too (thank you, Spence).

I didn't get to read it at *all* last night. Spence, can I get another "go home early" note, please?

Spence Kennedy said...

Yeah - Smashwords have been really good. I think the DRM free is a good move, too.

No worries about the early notes. How many do you need? I'll leave the dates blank...

Mike said...

Just downloaded and looking forward to reading without having to wait until you post again.
There is a lag in dissemination on Amazon Kindle so the for'n folks will need to be patient.

Spence Kennedy said...

Thanks Mike. Good to know there really is a time lag on this rather than something I got wrong on the upload! I hope you like the book. I'll be very interested to hear what you think (be honest!)

petrolhead said...

Downloaded it yesterday and I'm already 45% through - started on the next one yet?!

Chazkim said...

Read it now. I knew it would be good, because I've read most of it before, but I'm really impresses by how cohesive the whole thing is. I love the way you've tied it all together.

Have you ever thought of a screenplay? You have some incredibe little vignettes here. I can just see the scene with mrs burrows saying "dementia", and there's plenty in your life story to tie it all together. Just a thought.

Spence Kennedy said...

PH - Thx for the download! I've got 2 other books waiting in the wings, both very different. One is a psychological thriller about cults, the other a ghost / time-slip story about Anglo-Saxons. I'm re-working the cult one first - should be out by Sept. / the other one by the end of the year.

Chazkim - Thx v much for that. Glad you think it hangs together okay (was a bit worried about that, I have to say). A screenplay would be good - esp. as the book is quite scenic. Maybe that's a future project... :)

BTW - If you've read it, do you fancy writing a little review on Amazon / Smashwords? As honest as you like. I think the more reviews it gets, the higher its profile will be. Cheeky thing to ask, I know... :0/ *blush*

Mike said...

Bed time reading. I'm enjoying it, I like the writing style, and of course your source material is ideal. Good mixture of tear and smile inducing moments and a wonderful insight into how challenging front services actually are. Send a complimentary copy to the Condem government.
The personal insights into your past life enhance the enjoyment of the book.

Spence Kennedy said...

Cheers Mike! I hope none of the characters crop up in your dreams (particularly two I can think of...) I'm so glad you like the added material. Hopefully just enough to give a little depth to Frank n'me. I don't know what Cameron, Clegg et al would make of it. (Clegg would probably like it initially, give it his enthusiastic, unequivocal support, then agree with Cameron at a secret meeting of Cobra that I should be hunted down and shot).

md said...

I managed to purchase it from Amazon in the US, but I had to go direct to the US site, amazon.com, and search for it there. Following the link takes you to amazon.co.uk and that would not allow me to purchase it.

Spence Kennedy said...

Thx very much for the download, MD. It's so frustrating that it's still not avail to buy on Amazon UK if you're out of area - no idea why. When I get back from holiday I'll chase it up. Meanwhile - thx again. Hope you like it!

Sue said...

You can only buy ebooks on Amazon UK if your account is registered in the UK, same goes for every other Amazon site. It's down to the publishing rights etc on ebooks which are different to tree books.

Spence Kennedy said...

Thanks v much for clearing that up, Sue. I had a similar problem setting up an author profile - I thought it would automatically appear on .co.uk as well as .com - but didn't realise that they're treated pretty much as separate entities.